Take a Break from your Loan Payment

Need a quick vacay from your loan payments? Give your budget a break and take advantage of our skip-a-pay program! You can skip your FFCU loan payment for a fee of $25 per loan, per calendar year – you choose the month. You can breathe easier knowing that you can free up some money without it damaging your credit. You even have the option to skip multiple loans such as your auto loans, personal loans, boat loans, and more!

Skip-A-Pay Online

The easiest and most convenient way to skip your next loan payment is through online banking. Simply follow these three easy steps.
– Login to online banking
– Select Account Services
– Click Skip-A-Pay and follow the prompts

Skip-A-Pay Information

Loans must be open for 90 days, and all accounts must be current and in good standing to qualify.

– Most Family Financial consumer loans are eligible. Loans that ARE NOT ELIGIBLE include mortgage, home equity, Visa, and line of credit accounts

– When you skip a payment, your loan term will be extended. This can increase the total interest you pay over the life of the loan. Interest will continue to accrue on your unpaid balance on a daily basis, resulting in a greater amount of interest on your next scheduled payment to be applied. Skip a payment(s) cannot be in consecutive months

– Skip-A-Pay on eligible loans can only be done once every year, on non-consecutive months


All individuals who signed on the original loan, including joint owners and/or co-signers must sign this request. Please send us this form at least 10 days in advance of the loan payment due date you would like to skip for the Family Financial Credit Union loan(s) listed below. The $25 skip payment fee must be available in your designated FFCU account to process your request.